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Claramunt C, et al.  2017.  Maritime data integration and analysis: recent progress and research challenges. 20th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2017). Open Proceedings
Kotis K, Papasalouros A, Vouros G, et al.  2009.  e-Class in Ontology Engineering: integrating Ontologies to Argumentation and Semantic Wiki technology. Workshop on Intelligent and Innovative Support for Collaborative Learning Activities (WIISCOLA), 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.
Vouros G, Papasalouros A, Kotis K, Valarakos A, Tzonas K, et al.  2008.  The Grid4All ontology for the retrieval of traded resources in a market-oriented Grid. International Journal Web and Grid Services, special issue on Web/Grid Information and Services Discovery and Management. 4(4):418-439.
J. Aarnisalo, K. Makela BSVMKMSABCSE, et al.  1999.  Integrated technologies for mineral exploration:pilot project for Ni ore deposits. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B, Applied Earth Science. 108:151-163.