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Enhancing the Collective Knowledge for the Engineering of Ontologies in Open and Socially Constructed Learning Spaces. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 17(12)
e-Class in Ontology Engineering: integrating Ontologies to Argumentation and Semantic Wiki technology. Workshop on Intelligent and Innovative Support for Collaborative Learning Activities (WIISCOLA), 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.
Semantic discovery of resources and services in democratized grids. Handbook of Research on Social Dimensions of Semantic Technologies and Web Services.
The Grid4All ontology for the retrieval of traded resources in a market-oriented Grid. International Journal Web and Grid Services, special issue on Web/Grid Information and Services Discovery and Management. 4(4):418-439.
The Grid4All ontology for the retrieval of traded resources in a market-oriented Grid. Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, 2008. CISIS 2008. International Conference on . :933-939.